Reviewed by: The List
Review by Jo Laidlaw | 22 February 2024
There is no doubt that Richard Marsh is a Die Hard ultra-fan. Perhaps the ultra-fan. And there’s equally no doubt that at least a working knowledge of the film (the greatest Christmas movie of all time: Richard Marsh says it so it must be true) will greatly enhance your enjoyment of this show. But Yippee Ki Yay is no bro-fest or Comic Con skit. In fact, it’s a beautifully written rom com that (for once) equally balances both rom and com to interweave two worlds: the well-known Christmas Eve events at LA’s Nakatomi Plaza and the slightly less well-known love story of Rich and Jen. Oh, and it’s all in rhyme. Playing all the characters, Marsh takes us on a whistle-stop tour of Die Hard’s main plot points, conjuring characters and situations with ease (alongside a rather hilarious Alan Rickman impersonation). He then switches to Rich and Jen, who (of course) met on a Die Hard subreddit. They quickly fall in love and everything in the garden is rosy. But, just like Mr and Mrs John McClane, life throws up its challenges and two small kids in a wee flat proves just as challenging as a full-on terrorist attack when it comes to their relationship. Marsh’s love of his subject shines through and he is utterly at home with his material. But there’s an unexpected emotional heft to this geek tragedy too, which makes for an absorbing, funny and actually very sweet experience.