Reviewed by: Fresh 92.7
Review by Austin Frape | 07 March 2024
Embark on an extraordinary journey through a series of projected and immersive artworks in Natural Wonders! The Botanic Garden has always been a wonderful space to incorporate lightshows, especially during the Illuminate Adelaide season. Natural Wonders continues the trend of creating an enchanting trail of transformative lights, even if there isn't much room for interactions. The artworks made for some engaging experiences for the night, especially Borealis and The Spirit Lives On. Speaking from a surface-level perspective, it was a bit tricky to find the trend or throughline of the trail, but I'm sure further context around each piece will make for a grander experience. Overall, Natural Wonders made for quite the alluring technicolour experience, utilising the Botanic Gardens space for a memorable trail. If you've got space in your fringe evening between overshows, I'd say Natural Wonders is worth a look!