Announcing FRUSIC…

Mon, Sep 21 2015
Brought to you in partnership by Adelaide Fringe and Music SA, and proudly sponsored by the AHA, FRUSIC is an exciting new campaign is dedicated solely to the live music of the 2016 Adelaide Fringe.
Did you know that music was the 2nd biggest genre in the Adelaide Fringe last year? That’s right – the music content for one of Adelaide’s best love fests has been growing in leaps and bounds over the years, and we think it’s time for it to make some noise and bring our musical talent to the attention of Fringe fans across the city.

Brought to you in partnership by Adelaide Fringe and Music SA, and proudly sponsored by the AHA, FRUSIC is an exciting new campaign is dedicated solely to the live music of the 2016 Adelaide Fringe.

In collaboration with The Music, Registered Venues and Artists will have their special line-up, tour, EP launch or live music celebration promoted in one single publication, widely distributed during the Fringe season. Not only will this make it easy for music-loving punters to find amazing acts, the guide will also feature venue deals and discounts to make a full evening FRUSIC adventure.